According to the difference of material, Stainless Steel Welded Wiremesh could be classified as the following types:
302 Stainless Steel: Low-grade stainless-steel alloy, very economical cost and produced as a standard stainless grade.
304 Stainless Steel: Most common stainless alloy used in wire weaving. Excellent corrosion properties and can withstand temperatures of 1100 Degree F.
304L Stainless Steel: Similar properties as 304SS but lower carbon content to permit better welding.
310 Stainless Steel: A high temperature nickel alloy that has excellent corrosion properties. Can withstand high operating temperatures up to 1800 degrees F for extended time periods.
316 Stainless Steel: Similar properties to 304SS but is stabilized by the addition of Molybdenum for increased resistance to chemical corrosion.
316L Stainless Steel: Similar properties as 316SS but lower carbon content to permit better welding.
317L Stainless Steel: Increased corrosion resistance compared to 316SS. L grade allows better welding.
321 Stainless Steel: Similar to 347SS and can handle high operating temperatures. Has the addition of titanium.
330 Stainless Steel: This alloy can handle operating temperatures up to 1650 Degrees F. Common applications include heat treating fixtures & baskets.
347 Stainless Steel: Has similar properties of 304SS but has the additions of columbium for stability in high operation temperatures.
410 Stainless Steel: Has very good resistance to corrosion & oxidation.
430 Stainless Steel: Has magnetic properties similar to carbon steel but with much higher corrosion resistance. Commonly used in the food processing industry.